Sunday, May 23, 2010

My letter to the City about Bureaucracy

May 23, 2010

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, Cheif Executive Officer, City of LA
200 North Spring Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012-3239

Deputy Mayor Austin Beutner, Chief Executive for Economic and Business Policy, City of LA
200 North Spring Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012-3239

Ms. Antoinette Chrisovale, Director of Finance, City of LA
200 North Spring Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012-3239

Dear Sirs and Madam,

As a new small business owner in the City of Los Angeles, I did a lot of planning and research before jumping into my sole-proprietorship. I obtained a business license and published notice in a local business journal, got my DBA paperwork in order, and when the Office of Finance paperwork finally arrived I properly described my business and mailed my forms back promptly.

Cut to over a month later, when a notice of tax due arrives. I have no problems with paying taxes, in fact I am happy to do my part. But charing me interest and a penalty (over 17% of the principal) on my first notice is completely absurd. At least give me a chance to pay on time. This is a classic example of one of the City's hands not knowing what the other is doing. There are too many agencies, offices, and too much red tape.

Why was I not asked to file for business tax classification at the time I registered my business license? Why was I not made aware of any taxes due prior to receiving my first notice with a late penalty? This is bureaucratic nonsense. Is a CPA now a matter of course for anyone starting a business in the City?

We are working hard out here (outside of City Hall) and every minute of our time, each dollar in our pockets counts, now more than ever. Therefore I'm asking you to streamline: reduce unneccesary offices, fix the things that matter by making the problem less complicated, cut budgets raised on penalty fees and money from small businesses and put our sales and (high) property taxes into fixing our roads, bridges, parks, and schools.
Study Occam's Razor.

Thank you for listening.


Adam Fischer, Principal, ComputersWTF

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