Monday, April 19, 2010

The Big iPhone Wishlist post

Things I want to should be able to do with my iPhone:
  • Edit the auto-correct database 
  • Bluetooth keyboard 
  • Play audio (iTunes, Pandora, Safari, YouTube, etc) wirelessly via Airport-connected speakers
  • Use other browsers like Fennec
  • Edit Google Docs
  • Utilize all the features of Google Voice
  • Leave AT&T
  • Pay less per month (currently paying just under $150/mo for unlimited talk, text, data)
Sadly, the device is completely capable of performing or allowing most of these items. Does this mean I just need to get a jailbroken iPhone?

I've been tossing around the idea for a while now to get a 2nd iPhone (to jailbreak), on which I can test new apps and functionality. I know there's a lot of information out there about jailbroken apps, but I'm specifically interested in utilizing mobile web functionality to streamline my tech-based business. I have very little paperwork as it is (my filing cabinet is two-drawer and mostly empty, save for receipts), I can get to everything from any computer or phone with a net connection, and I can route information/calls/documents/etc to any device no matter where I am with cloud-based utilities like Google Docs, Voice, etc. I want to be able to edit Google Docs, launch a Google Voice app, and work on a wireless keyboard- just imagine the ability to create spreadsheets & edit invoices online from a hotspot, with only a BT keyboard and an iPhone.

It exists, set it free.

[This post–like several others here–will be added to over the coming months, especially until iPhoneOS 4.0 drops this summer.]

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