Monday, April 19, 2010

GMail Hacking

I just learned about hacked and hijacked GMail accounts, thanks to a friendly lady named Jill who was unlucky enough to have her email account hacked on her birthday. I'm going to wonder aloud now whether purchasing a premium service for email from Google ("WTF?" I can hear you saying, "Pay for GMail???") would present one with more secure email options. As it is now, if your GMail account has been hacked and someone's sent spam from it, all you can do is change your password, then wait 24 hours (as Google limits each account to a sent-message maximum of 500 per day) to send your hack notices/apologies. Or you can use Facebook or Twitter, like this blogger did.

If your account has been hijacked, and you are locked out of it completely, you should read this and this.

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